
  • Oyjamol Erkinovna Berdieva Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


digital text, digital huminity, interdisciplinary approach, narrative data, transmedia storytelling.


This article refers to the study of narratives as an important field that can help us better understand ourselves, our communities, and the world around us, and is provided with detailed information. It also describes the possibilities for studying narratives as new technologies that enable us to engage with narratives in innovative ways, such as the digital humanities. According to the study, exposure to a narrative can enhance empathy and hone critical thinking skills. It is a universal form of communication in which we all participate, whether we are sharing our personal experiences or enjoying a novel or movie. Through this investigation, we can gain a deeper understanding of how narrative shapes our understanding of the world around us. We can also learn techniques for crafting compelling stories that engage our audience and leave a lasting impact. Overall, the study of narrative promises to be a fascinating field of study for years to come.


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Hanna Meretoja and Mark Freeman, Introduction In: The Use and Abuse of Stories. Edited by: Hanna Meretoja & Mark Freeman, Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press 2023

H. Porter Abbott "The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative", Cambridge University Press June 2014,:2008

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Zabrucky, K. & Moore, D. (1999), Infuence of text genre on adults’ monitoring of understanding and recall. Educational Gerontology, 25, 691-710.




How to Cite

Berdieva , O. E. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR THE STUDY OF NARRATIVE. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(4 SPECIAL), 1200–1204. Retrieved from