
  • Munojat Mashrabovna Umaralieva Senior teacher of the English language and literature faculty of Ferghana State University
  • Sarvinoz Khayotjon kizi Yakhyoyeva 3rd-year student


Learning vocabulary is an essential component of studying English. Prior to mastering the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), students must acquire a solid foundation of vocabulary to support their English learning. English vocabulary plays a crucial role in the language development of young learners studying a foreign language. It is important for teachers to be creative in selecting learning materials and stimulate students’ interest in English, particularly when it comes to vocabulary. Strategies must be employed by teachers to enhance the teaching and learning process. The teaching approach for young learners differs from that for adults, as children tend to be more enthusiastic, active, and adaptable. This research study is classified as descriptive qualitative research.


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How to Cite

Umaralieva, M. M., & Yakhyoyeva , S. K. kizi. (2023). HOW TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY THROUGH DIFFERENT STRATEGIES. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(6 SPECIAL), 445–447. Retrieved from