
  • Sardorbek Isroilovich Khonturaev Senior lecturer of Fergana branch of TUIT
  • Mukhammadali Xatamjon ugli Fazlitdinov assistant of Fergana branch of TUIT
  • Oydinoy Ismoiljon kizi Mamayeva student of Fergana branch of TUIT


Artificial Intelligence, Learning Management Systems, Educational Technology, Student Engagement, Personalized Learning, Assessment, Data Analytics.


This two-page article delves into the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and its profound implications for the educational landscape. The article explores the applications, benefits, and challenges of integrating AI into LMS, offering insights into the transformative potential of this technology in the field of education.


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How to Cite

Khonturaev , S. I., Fazlitdinov , M. X. ugli, & Mamayeva , O. I. kizi. (2023). EMPOWERING EDUCATION: THE IMPACT OF AI IN LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(11 SPECIAL), 348–350. Retrieved from http://erus.uz/index.php/er/article/view/3985