Information, computer, terminals, network, operating systems.Abstract
Today, the level of information exchange in computer systems and networks is increasing, the diversity of information, its high-speed transmission through networks, the task of protecting information in the process of timely, accurate and complete delivery to receiving users is one of the main issues. remains. Many tools and methods have been developed to ensure the information security of computers running modern operating systems.
O‘zbekiston respublikasining qonuni “Kiberxavfsizlik to‘g’risida”Qonunchilik palatasi tomonidan 2022-yil 25-fevralda qabul qilingan senat tomonidan 2022-yil 17-martda ma’qullangan.
O‘zbekiston respublikasi oliy majlisi qonunchilik palatasi kengashining qarori “Kiberxavfsizlik to‘g’risida”gi ql-869-sonli O‘zbekiston respublikasi qonuni loyihasi haqida.
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“Sun’iy intellektni huquqiy tartibga solish” I. A. Filipova.
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“Deep learning methods in network intrusion detection: A survey and an objective comparison,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications”, Z. Gao, Y. Su, and Y. Liu, “Study on intrusion detection based on PCA-LSTM,”.