
  • D.O Nortojiyeva
  • E.A Egamberdiev
  • D.Q Shomurodov
  • S.O Hamidullayeva


kosmetik vositalar (KV), - rentgen floresansi (RF); - atom yutilish spektrometriyasi (AAS); -induktiv bog‘langan plazma bilan optik emissiya spektroskopiyasi (ISP-OES), induktiv bog‘langan plazma bilan atom emissiya spektroskopiyasi (ISP-AES), induktiv bog‘langan plazma bilan massa spektrometriyasi (ISP - MS).


Avvalo, qo‘llaniladigan yondashuvlar og‘ir metallarning umumiy tarkibini skrining va miqdoriy aniqlashga bo‘linadi. Og‘ir metallarni tahlil qilish nafaqat texnik bilim va ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lishni, balki ko‘pincha qimmatbaho uskunalarning mavjudligini va namunalarni tayyorlash shartlariga qat’iy rioya qilishni talab qiladi, ayniqsa og‘ir metallar miqdoriy jihatdan aniqlanishi kerak bo‘lsa. Skrining og‘ir metallarning miqdori aniqroq miqdoriy usullarni qo‘llash orqali qo‘shimcha aniqlashni talab qiladimi yoki yo‘qligini aniqlashga yordam beradi. Kosmetik mahsulotlar va kosmetika xom ashyosidagi og‘ir metallarning tarkibini tahlil qilish namunalarni tayyorlash uchun mos usulni va aniqlash usulini tanlashni o‘z ichiga oladi. Analitik sinov shartlari namuna tayyorlash usuli va aniqlash usulining tegishli tekshirish ma’lumotlari bilan zarur kombinatsiyasi bilan belgilanadi.


Aliev, S., Egamberdiev, E., Turabdjanov, S., Rashidov, S., Juraev, A.: Role of fillers in the production of wood-polymer composites. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 434, 02030.

Azimov, D., Turabdjanov, S., Egamberdiyev, E., Azimova, Sh., Nazirova, R., Nazirova, R., Nazirova, R., Arslanov, S., Muratkulov, O.: Investigation of the water of Aydarkul Lake into components and the scope of their application. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 421, 05004

Egamberdiev E.; Makhkamov A.; Rakhimjonov B.; Khusanov D.; Akmalova G.; Mirzakhmedova M.; Rahmonberdiev G. Effectiveness of cleaning of sunflower oil with filter material made from composition of organic and inorganic fibers. 3rd International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering, ICECAE 2022Virtual, Online13 October 2022до 16 October 2022Код 187394, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012050

Egamberdiev E.; Akmalova G.; Rahmonberdiev G. Obtaining paper products from cellulose-containing plants and researching its field of application. 3rd International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering, ICECAE 2022Virtual, Online13 October 2022до 16 October 2022Код 187394, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012054

E.Egamberdiev, S. Turabdjanov, D. Mirzaeva, Kh. Khaydullaev, U. Sharipova, A. Shokhakimova, and O. Bakhtiyorov.: Effect of chitosan substance on the mechanical properties of paper obtained on the basis of flax cellulose. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01045 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101045

Egamberdiev E.; Ergashev Y.; Turabdjanov S.; Abdumavlyanova M.; Makhkamov A.; Rashidov, Sh.; Karimov, Sh.: Effect of chitosan on the surface properties of cellulose-based paper obtained from the flax plant. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01010 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101010

Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Mirkhodjaeva D.; Akmalova G.; Umarova M.; Kholdarov R.: Obtaining a filter material used in gas and air purification. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101012

Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Turabdzhanov S.; Akmalova G.; Isanova R.; Rashidov R.; Sobitov O.: Obtaining filter material from natural fiber composition and areas of its use. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01047

Arslanov, Sh.; Turabdjanov S.; Azimova, Sh.; Azimov D.; Sultankhojaeva N.; Egamberdiev E.: Physico-chemical properties and research of acids contained in oils of Uzbekistan. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01021

Egamberdiev E.; Turabdjanov S.; Akmalova G.; Mukhtarova N.; Ayubova I.; Mirzakhmedova M.; Rakhmonberdiev G.: Obtaining paper from composition of different fibers and its analysis. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01004

Umarova, Muattar, Egamberdiyev, Elmurod, Maksumova, Oytura: Study of resource-saving viscosity modifiers of used oils. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 401, 05087 https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202340105087

Elmurod Egamberdiyev, Sadriddin Turabdjanov, Dilmurod Azimov, Shodiyaxon Azimova, Rano Nazirova, Baxrom Dautov, Sharafutdin Arslonov, Olimjon Muratkulov: Investigation of the water of Aydarkul Lake into components and the scope of their application. E3S Web of Conferences 421, 05004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202342105004

E Egamberdiev, Y Ergashev, K Khaydullayev, D Husanov, G Rahmonberdiev: Obtaining paper samples using basalt fibers and studing the effect of natural glue obtained from chitosan on paper quality. Universum: technical science 2022, 4-13 (97), 14-18

Yorqin Ergashev, Sunnatilla Aliyev, Dilobar Mirkhodjaeva, Olimjon Muratkulov: Preparation of natural polymers and their properties. SCHOLAR 1 (21), 54-60.

Yorqin Ergashev, Sunnatilla Aliyev, Lazizbek Sattarkulov, Dilmurod Azimov, Olimjon Muratkulov: Polymer-matrix composites. Harvard Educational and Scientific Review 2023, Vol.3. Issue 1. 31-36

G‘.R.Rakhmonberdiev E.A.Egamberdiev, G.Yu.Akmalova, Yo.T.Ergashev, M.M.Shakirova: The influence of different natural fibers applied on the quality index of the paper. American journal of research 2021/4. 48-57




How to Cite

Nortojiyeva, D., Egamberdiev, E., Shomurodov, D., & Hamidullayeva, S. (2023). KOSMETIK VOSITALAR TARKIBIDAGI OG‘IR METALLAR MIQDORINI ANIQLASHNING ANALITIK USULLARI. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(14 SPECIAL), 616–619. Retrieved from http://erus.uz/index.php/er/article/view/4498