
  • Kumushoy Sultanbek qizi Orinboyeva Andijan State Pedagogical Institute “Informatics and exact sciences” teacher
  • Diyora Mavlonjon qizi Khamidova 3rd year student of physics and astronomy
  • Sevinch Akmaljon qizi Mukhtorova 3rd year student of physics and astronomy


Speed of time, gravity and space, experiment at Harvard University, GPS, atomic clock.


The article highlights the features that contradict the intuitive quality of time, which seems to be the most democratic of concepts. In 1959, an experiment was conducted in the physics building of Harvard University and it was considered that the speed of time depends on the gravitational environment. By now you may be asking: why should we study relativity? Can’t I live my life perfectly without it? Answer: you can’t. Every time a pilot lands a plane or uses GPS to navigate to another country, you must consider the effects of general and special relativity. In the following experiment, we will learn that the speed of time depends on the environment, i.e. The force of gravity, and where the force of gravity is stronger, time is slower, and vice versa, time passes faster where the force of gravity is weaker. Through experiment, we can theorize that in distant galaxies, places where the gravity of the stars is much different than that of the earth, the speed of time is different than that of the earth.





How to Cite

Orinboyeva , K. S. qizi, Khamidova , D. M. qizi, & Mukhtorova, S. A. qizi. (2023). SPASETIME AND GRAVITY. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(14 SPECIAL), 1055–1057. Retrieved from