
  • Murodjon Yusupovich Qodirov katta o‘qituvchi “Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi” Farg‘ona politexnika instituti


mexanizm, mashina, tezlik, grafik trening, muhandislik grafikasi, chizma geometriya, prototiplash, mustaqil ish.


Maqolada talabalarning mustaqil ishlarini autocad dasturidan foydalanishda ta’siri ko‘rib chiqiladi.


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How to Cite

Qodirov , M. Y. (2023). DASTAKLI MEXANIZMLARNING KINEMATIK ANALIZIDA AutoCAD DASTURIDAN FOYDALANISH. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, 2(14 SPECIAL), 1126–1131. Retrieved from http://erus.uz/index.php/er/article/view/4607